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Athletic FitnessMembership includes Fitness and all Group Classes in all of our 11 health and fitness clubs in Bulgaria.

Sofia, Plovdiv and Stara Zagora

More than 200 Group Classes a weekMore than 40 different Group Classes

Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, Functional Interval Trаining, Pump, Combat, Tabata and many others

For your Safety and ComfortWe work with more than 70 Certified Trainers

You can trust us

LocationsTop Locations with Free Parking

Unlimited training

Sofia, Yanko SakazovSofia, KopernikSofia, SlivnitsaSofia, DianabadSofia, Cherni vrahSofia, Mega MallPlovdiv, Plovdiv PlazaPlovdiv, Markovo tepeStara Zagora, Galleria Stara ZagoraSofia, Studentski gradAnd …We have 25 years experience on the Bulgarian market helping people get and stay fit and active

Some of our clients are

Contact us Now

Sales Manager
mob.: ‎+359 876 705 205

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